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11101629393DB.jpg Julian Bond speaks at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629499DB.jpg Andrew Young at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629510DB.jpg Reverend Joseph Lowery at the MLK Memorial... |
11101629514DB.jpg Reverend Joseph Lowery at the MLK Memorial... |
11101629581DB.jpg Members of Alpha Psi Alpha Fraternity at the... |
11101629611DB.jpg Reverend Al Sharpton speakes at the MLK... |
11101629636DB.jpg Emotions Abound at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629647DB.jpg Emotions Abound at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629656DB.jpg Emotions Abound at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629595DB.jpg Banners with Martin Luther King Jr's Image |
11101629466DB.jpg Gospel recording duo Mary Mary at the MLK... |
11101629555DB.jpg Lee A. Saunders and Reverend Al Sharpton at... |
11101629393DB.jpg Julian Bond speaks at the MLK Memorial Dedication |
11101629699DB.jpg President Obama speaks at the MLK Memorial... |
11101629719DB.jpg U.S. Park Police Detain Man at MLK Memorial... |
11101629720DB.jpg U.S. Park Police Detain Man at MLK Memorial... |
11101629728DB.jpg U.S. Park Police Detain Man at MLK Memorial... |